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Habitat Improvement Projects

Habitats all around the world are impacted by human activities. Some drastic examples of impacts on habitat are clear cutting forests to create agricultural land, building housing tracks or giant cities, and introducing non-native organisms which harm native species.   In response, many people like myself have started managing habitats in an effort to fix the negative impacts humans have had on the environment. Management activities are actions that modify habitats generally to help promote some species over others. This includes removing invasive species, planting or seeding native plants, and putting up wildlife shelters such as blue bird boxes. The focus of this page is to take some of the resources created during habitat management and using them to make shelters for wildlife.
During a project in 2017, we had to remove over 70 invasive trees  as well as fallen trees. Some of the thicker trunks and joints were a good size that I used to create a simple bird house made from 8 chainsaw cuts and a drill bit. Instructions below, simply cut along the dotted lines.
Similarly, after we cut up a fallen tree, some large pieces of bark were left over. These were fashioned into a rough shelter and placed near the ground. The design should allow rodents or bumblebees to nest inside. Next spring will tell. 
It is important to keep in mind that each step taken to improve a habitat for an organism should be monitored. Shelters like these need to be cleaned yearly, in early spring. Parasites of the organisms that use these materials can build up and lead to sick animals or worse, death. 
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